Thursday, February 12, 2009

Confessions of an Improv Comic

So the first show of the semester is tomorrow night. At 8. In 151 TNRB.

I have to work, so that's a bummer.

But what I will say is this -- those guys and gals that are going to get up on that stage tomorrow are not JUST funny people.

I get it a lot -- "Oh, I'm not funny enough to do improv" "Oh, you must be really funny"

But the joke's really on them.

If we sit out there and try to be funny, people will ask for their 3 dollars back (2 if you got them in advance and 4 if you're on a date or 6 if you got them at the door with a date).

There's a lot that goes into improv comedy. Do I say this because I'm hatin on all the people that say those innocent things? Heck to the no. I just say it because improv comedy is a very underexposed art form in an artful society.

I love improv. It's cool.

And I'll put it on my resume when I graduate because it's taught me life lessons :)

Much love

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